The Change: A Menopause Revenge Fantasy Every Woman of a Certain Age Should Read

The Change by Kirsten Miller, is the revenge fantasy novel that every woman of a certain age needs to read. Bonus, for people who enjoy a multicultural cast of characters, The Change features two prominent African-American characters crucial to the storyline.

What is The Change About?

Here is the set up: Three women in the throes of perimenopause -although I don’t think the word perimenopause is ever actually mentioned in the text - discover that as they approach menopause, they start to develop “superpowers.” And interestingly, these “superpowers” are connected to the changes associated with menopause. For example, one woman’s hot flashes become super strength and the ability to generate immense heat. One woman literally morphs into a “witch,” and her superpower is not giving a fuck, but like on a superhuman level. And the third woman can use her intuition to commune with the dead.

That might sound like the set-up for a spooky sci-fi thriller, but it’s not. The Change is as much about female friendship, as it is about how these three women use their new powers to solve a grisly string of murders taking place in their town. There’s a lot of action, witty banter, cliffhangers, romance and a dash of magic. There’s a clear feminist agenda, dissatisfied women, and just desserts for everyone. What’s more, as the characters go about solving the murders, each woman leans into her powers and leans into acceptance and appreciation for her changing body.

This book will appeal to women who love Book Club fiction and cozy mysteries, because it is definitely a clever whodunit. But any woman who is looking for an antidote to feeling like menopause is going to mark the end of the good part of her life, will also love The Change.

Why You Need to Read this Book Now

You must read The Change if menopause is around the corner and you want to feel empowered about it instead of afraid. No, you’re not going to gain superpowers like the characters in the book, and. yet, at the end of the day, it is possible. Whether it’s honing your strength, or your connection to the natural world, or paying closer attention to your intuition, there are actually real world lessons to be learned from this delicious revenge fantasy novel. I enjoyed the book so much, not only did I read it twice, I bought it twice! I originally purchased the e-book, but I liked it so much, I ended up buying it again in print.

What’s Next from Kirsten Miller?

Kirsten Miller stays busy. Up next is another subversive story called, Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books. Her publisher, Harper Collins describes the book as such: “The provocative and hilarious summer read that will have book lovers cheering and everyone talking! Kirsten Miller, author of The Change, brings us a bracing, wildly entertaining satire about a small Southern town, a pitched battle over banned books, and a little lending library that changes everything.” Lula Dean hits store shelves in June.


Doctoras comparten cuatro maneras fáciles de aliviar los síntomas de la perimenopausia