

Founded by author, journalist and educator, Lori L. Tharps, My Bloody Hell was a response to women’s suffering. 

After posting an article on Facebook about the true cost of perimenopause symptoms to a woman’s productivity in the workplace, Lori received an overwhelming number of responses from a diverse group of women who all seemed to be saying the same thing; there simply wasn’t enough information about perimenopause available to them, and they were tired of suffering in silence.

As a journalist and as a community builder, Lori felt compelled to do something to address these cries for help. First came the idea for a community, followed by a podcast, and then came the name. My Bloody Hell perfectly exemplifies the gross physicality of perimenopause for many women and the language captures the rage and frustration that accompanies this transition period in women’s lives. 

“I wanted to create a safe space where women could share their stories about perimenopause and they could find support and solidarity as well. I want to put an end to the shame and embarrassment surrounding perimenopause so we can be the last generation of women who have to suffer through it in silence.” - Lori L. Tharps

Because of Lori’s background as an expert in diversity and inclusion, it was important for her to create a platform that acknowledges the fact that not all women will experience perimenopause in the same way. Race, religion, sexuality and culture can all impact how perimenopause is experienced. So, whether it’s on the podcast or in the community, those difference are respectfully acknowledged, even while we are commiserating over our shared experiences.  

To connect with Lori or for more information about My Bloody Hell, including sponsorship or advertising opportunities, please contact her.

Lori L. Tharps is a journalist and the award-winning author of six books, including Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America and Same Family, Different Colors:Confronting Colorism in America’s Diverse Families.

Lori L. Tharps is a journalist and the award-winning author of six books, including Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America and Same Family, Different Colors:Confronting Colorism in America’s Diverse Families.